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We Found The Treasures!

Author: Dr. Anwar Mousa
Category: Reading Series
Illustrator: Adel Al kobeisi

$ 5.00

When the storyteller “Ahmad” reached the market, five boys followed him… And when he was telling a story, a man runs in yelling: “We found the treasures!”. The boys, everyone who saw them, and even the princess’ guards followed after… Did he really find the treasure? And why did the people who rescued him from drowning get shocked? And how did the storyteller “Ahmad” finish his story?!




Subject: Storytelling, Adventure, waiting
SKU: A-1858
Arabic 21: (ي)
Page number: 16
Weight: 115 (g)
Stage: Primary Stage 2nd
Year: 2022
Dimensions: 20*28

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