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The Robot Loses his Memory

Author: Samer Shamali
Category: Reading Series
Illustrator: lynn al masouty

$ 3.00

“Rami” found  the robot “Click” and adopted him as a friend. He helps him with his chores and reads him stories. But after a while, something happened and the robot no longer remembered “Rami” …Why? And what happened to this robot after the years have passed? 

Unexpected events are being narrated by “Rami” to “Saad”. But who is “Saad”? And what does he want from the Robot?




Subject: Invention, Creativity, Robots, Assistance
SKU: A-1841
Arabic 21: (ل)
Page number: 20
Weight: 75 (g)
Stage: primary stage 3rd
Year: 2021
Dimensions: 14*20

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