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“Shadi” and Ms.Carrot (The Series of Food and Health)

Author: Abdel Gani wreda
Category: Picture Books
Illustrator: Soher Kharbotly

$ 2.50

Healthy food is the essence of healthy bodies for our children, and this shouldn’t be overlooked by parents! The healthy food provides our children with the ability to resist disease, the ability to achieve and study well, the ability to build a strong and healthy body, and the ability to gain the positive interaction with their first surroundings especially in their first years. All these benefits cannot be granted by the manufactured food no matter how tasty is it!




Serie name: food and health
SKU: A-1664
Arabic 21: (و)
Page number: 16
Weight: 68 (g)
Stage: Primary Stage 1st
Year: 2019
Dimensions: 17*24

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