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Our Cat's Long Tail

Author: Jikar korshid
Category: Picture Books
Illustrator: Somaye Mohamady

$ 6.00

Our Cat's Long Tail
In our small house we have our cat BisBis who has a very long tail. Accidentally we step on his tail  so he meaws, or his tail gets stuck in the door. On my dad's birthday when the lights were off my dad held the cat's tail instead of the knife which scared everyone. I decided to find a solution: I painted his tail red so we can see it but this scared the cat and we faced more problems. I tied a bell around his tail but this also scared him and he ran all around the house with the loud noise. I decided to talk to him in cat's language so I started meawing he did not like it and when he was leaving his tail touched my nose so I started sneezing. My dad got a ribbon that we tied around his tail. He loved it and he kept his tail up so everyone can admire his ribbon and our problems were solved.




SKU: A-1568
Arabic 21: (ي)
Page number: 16
Weight: 92 (g)
Stage: Primary Stage 1st
Year: 2018
Dimensions: 20*28

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