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Learning - Sentence Components

Author: Asala team
Category: boxes
Illustrator: A Group of Illustrators

$ 10.00

First Game:

Objective: Collect small cards to match the board.

From one to five players, each player receives a collection board.

Backup boards can be given to players or removed from the game, along with matching small cards.

Spread the cards with the pictures facing down. Players take turns picking up cards. If a player chooses a card that matches their board, they keep it and choose another card.

If not, the card is returned to the center with the picture facing down, and the next player takes their turn.

Try to remember where the cards that you need are returned.

The winner is the first to cover the spaces on their board.

Second Game:

Cards are distributed randomly and evenly among players without knowing their contents. Each player also receives a board.

Each player must be the first to collect the cards for their board, by getting rid of unsuitable cards by placing them on their left and drawing the cards discarded by the player to their right.




Subject: From one player to five players or teams
SKU: A-1984
Page number: 0
Weight: 448g (g)
Stage: Primary Stage 1st
Year: 2024
Dimensions: 22*22

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