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Joujou Learns Table Manners- The Good Manners Series

Author: Jinan Hashash
Category: Reading Series
Illustrator: Sirine Matta

$ 4.00

"Learning about good behavior is a priority in education, since good behaving is an essential part of successful relationships with others. Therefore, as educators and parents, we seek to develop good behavior in our children as well we train them how to behave correctly in their earliest age. Books are considered as an effective and quick means to achieve such a goal. Since stories are educational means in first place, that can maintain the objective goal in a funny entertaining way. This book is a part of a series called “Behaving Good”. The series contains stories form the child’s daily life that teaches him how to behave well. “Joujou” is learning fromher mom many things about table manners.




Serie name: The Good Manners Series
SKU: A-1346
Arabic 21: (ط)
Page number: 16
Weight: 80 (g)
Stage: Primary Stage 1st
Year: 2017
Dimensions: 20*20

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