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I assemble – story event sequences

Author: Asala team
Category: boxes
Illustrator: A Group of Illustrators

$ 9.00

Assembly Cards have a significant importance in the learning process:

- Children get introduced to new words, new images, and new concepts.

- They help solidify information through repetition, improving memory and retention in children.

- Concepts are presented in a fun way, positively influencing the love for learning.

- They contribute to the development and improvement of language acquisition.

Usage Method:

- These cards can be used with stories.

- Read the stories.

- Collect cards with distinct colors for each story.

- Read all the cards.

- Attempt to arrange events using pictures and words.

- The game can be utilized through group play.

Research has emphasized the importance of these cards, as they stimulate the right hemisphere of the brain, especially when the use of cards is enjoyable and fun.




Subject: Puzzles
SKU: A-1981
Page number: 0
Weight: 437 (g)
Stage: Primary Stage 1st
Year: 2024
Dimensions: 18*12

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