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Amir Finds a Friend (A Poetry Tales)

Author: Rama Basha
Category: Reading Series
Illustrator: shaza horani

$ 3.00

"“Amr” has a cat. But he doesn’t have a friend! He has many toys, but he has no friends! Suddenly the doorbell rings. Whom he will find?Poetic books help in:

1- Language development:

-  Learning new words (From the poetic mold and rhyme)

-  Reading, re-reading , practicing will enhance the oral expression.

2- Motion Development

- Practicing on conditioning your breath, tongue, and the movement of your mouth.

3- Mental development

- Understanding that there are words with the same sound, but they have a different meaning.

-  The repetition and the fragmentation in words help in math and in learning different languages.

4- Social Development

- Sense of humor in poems encouraging kids in participating poems with others, especially with family.

-  When feeling alone and bored, the child refers to the poems shared with others to feel better.




Serie name: A Poetry Tales
Subject: Poetry
SKU: A-1490
Arabic 21: (ه)
Page number: 16
Weight: 95 (g)
Stage: Primary Stage 1st
Year: 2018
Dimensions: 20*28

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