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Adel - Ascend with Asala - Level 4

Author: Ramzi Mekkawi
Category: Picture Books
Illustrator: Hesham Solieman

$ 1.50

This book is a part of readable series, which helps the child to pick a story that is suitable for his reading level, by which he can practice and improve his reading abilities. The child will start reading independently and ascending consequently depending on his own reading level and potentials. The series contains numerous attractive stories that are full of suspense and human values. It is considered one of the most important series among all readable series in the Arab world, since it is Arabic oriented and not translated.




Serie name: Ascend with Asala
SKU: A-1149
Arabic 21: (ك)
Page number: 8
Weight: 40 (g)
Stage: Primary Stage 2nd
Year: 2017
Dimensions: 14*20

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